In celebration of Optimist Day this year, the Tucker Optimist club chose to prepare and donate 50 Suitcases of Love for Foster Children to Wellroot Family Services in Tucker, GA. Members of the club gathered on the Saturday before Optimist Day to organize the bags and contents. A soft blanket, a keychain emoji, and a luggage tag were added to each…
Author: Mary Still
Smart Lunch/Smart Kids
Members of the Tucker Optimist Club volunteered this summer to help prepare lunches for area children who participate in the school lunch program. Each time we helped make sack lunches for 200 to 250 children. One of the times we helped was in conjunction with the Tucker Civic Association (TCA), the other two times with a neighborhood group. The …
Fall Bar-B-Que
OI Convention Cincinnati 2013
2014 Tucker Optimist of the Year
Mary Still being awarded Tucker "Optimist of the Year". And showing her surprise! Incoming Georgia District Governor Russ Thomas assisted in the presentation.…
Rivers Alive Clean Up October 4, 2014
Our club worked with the Tucker Civic Association to clean up the South Fork Peachtree Creek. It was a cool, brisk day for the volunteers who came to clean up the area. The volunteers were divided into two groups to cover the area. Over 65 tires were collected, a couch, shopping carts, golf club 5 iron, a recliner, a lobster t…